FRINGE Gets Explosive! Fracture: Synopsis, Teaser and Promo Pics

Take a look at the synopsis for tonight’s ep of “Fringe”- (Season 2, Ep 3 “Fracture”):

Peter, Walter, Olivia and Broyles pursue a strange and deadly occurrence in Philadelphia where a bomb blew up inside a train station but left no trace of any explosive device. The perplexing and unexplained set of circumstances returns Walter to the lab to closely examine the human remains where he uncovers an unlikely energy source that triggered the explosion.  With the explosive threat of more bombs and links to a classified military project, the intense investigation leads Olivia and Peter to Iraq.

Teaser trailer:

(Click images to embiggen… Is that an ear?)

fringe fracture isthatanear

fringe fracture whatsleftofhim

Watch “Fringe” on FOX Thursdays 9/8 C.

[Source] FOX

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!