Follow The White Rabbit To SyFy’s ALICE Viral Campaign

syfy alice rabbit WIDE

SyFy launched a viral campaign to promote a modern take on the “Alice in Wonderland” tale with their own two-night movie event that began last night and concludes tonight.

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Following “Alice”s White Rabbit(s) virtually will begin at The White Rabbit Inc. where you will literally follow the white rabbit through this promotional site’s pages.  The site is playful, but mostly made up of Alice-themed dummy fronts that lead you back to SyFy’s “Alice” website or one of their sponsors.  Still, it is worth a look!

Syfy alice viral card

In the real world, the fifty White Rabbits street team took to the streets of New York during the Friday morning commute in their “hunt across the city for Alice and the Hatter, handing out Alice playing cards displaying their faces containing the text, ‘Have you seen this pair?’.”

Here are some more photos on this street team event:

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That itself would have been cool enough to see that many White Rabbits on the streets similar to the Fox campaign for “Fringe” with the Observers, but there was also this, a choreographed “step” dance routine.

This Rabbit dance seems more goofey than eerie (like seeing the White Rabbits en masse) or threatening (like how they sound on their Twitter feed).

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Did you see the first half of “Alice” last night?  In case you want a refresher, here is a summary of Night One of SyFy’s “Alice”:

Alice Hamilton (Caterina Scorsone) is a young, martial arts instructor with commitment issues. At the age of ten, her father left the family without warning or word and it’s had long-lasting effect on her. She has high hopes that her new love, Jack Chase, might be “the one” but when he offers her a spectacular engagement ring that has been passed down for generations in Jack’s family, true to form, she panics and sends him packing…directly into the arms of a mysterious, well-dressed gang of men who are out to nab Jack and the valuable jewel. Realizing that Jack has slipped the ring into her pocket before leaving, Alice pursues one of his captors, a man in a white suit.

Alice follows the group through a smoky mirrored portal — a looking glass — and soon realizes that she has slipped into a parallel universe where the Suits, led by White Rabbit, bring people kidnapped from our world into Wonderland. There, these “Oysters” as they are called, have their memories erased and are held captive in a casino. As they gamble, their extreme emotions of joy, delight, excitement, etc. are drained from them and bottled for consumption by the citizens of Wonderland. By feeding these positive human emotions to her subjects, the Queen of Hearts (Kathy Bates), like the Roman emperors of old, maintains her stranglehold over Wonderland with her husband, the King of Hearts, at her side.

syfy alice dodo tim curryDesperate to find Jack, Alice enlists the help of the shifty Hatter, who runs the tea shop where Wonderland’s denizens get their fix. He takes her to see Dodo (Tim Curry), a prime figure in the resistance against the Queen’s rule. Unfortunately, things turn sour, as Dodo’s zeal leads him to attack Alice and Hatter. Escaping, the duo make their way into the wilderness, where they flee the horrible Jabberwocky and meet the White Knight, the last of an order of warrior-inventors tasked with protecting the now-fallen Kingdom of the Knights.

Unfortunately, the forces aligning against them are formidable. Hearing of Alice’s arrival, the Queen suspects she still possesses the ring Jack offered to her. The “Stone of Wonderland” is not only a treasured gem but is also needed to operate the looking glass. Without it, there is no way to control the portal in order to collect new Oysters and maintain her reign. The Queen charges some of Wonderland’s more dangerous characters, including her pet assassin Mad March, to capture Alice and retrieve the ring at all costs.

syfy alice and jackRealizing that her only hope to find Jack is to attempt to deal with the Queen, Alice leaves behind her companions and is captured by Mad March. She’s presented to the Queen and offers up the Stone in exchange for Jack…only to be shocked when it’s revealed that Jack Chase (Philip Winchester) is actually Jack Heart, the Queen’s son! Separated from her friends and under the Queen’s power, Alice is left in peril and pondering new mysteries being revealed about her past and her family.

Watch the conclusion of “Alice”, starring Caterina Scorsone as Alice and Kathy Bates as the Queen of Hearts, tonight on SyFy at 9pm ET/PT.

syfy alice viral rabbit shopping

[Source] MovieViral, SyFy

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!