
Everyone Say Cheese For This MONSTERS UNIVERSITY Group Shot Poster and Check Out the College ID Badges


My kids and I really enjoyed Monsters Inc. It was so full of great humor for the kids sprinkled with the kind of humor that only the adults will catch. I have no doubt that Disney Pixar’s Monsters University will be more of the same. Some of that silliness abounds in the new group poster with ALL the Monsters.

monsters university group poster

And speaking of silliness these ID Badges for Monsters University take the cake. And OH, Randall (Steve Buscemi) looks so sweet!

sully ID

mike IDrandall IDmonster 1 ID

monster 2 IDmonster 3 IDmonster 4 ID

monster 5 IDmonster faculty 1monster faculty 2

Mike Wazowski’s (Billy Crystal) ID badge is so typical of his constant struggle with camera shots. Poor guy.

Monsters University featuring the voices of Billy Crystal, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi and Helen Mirren is slated to hit theaters in 3D on June 21, 2013.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com