EASTWICK Circles The Drain – Is Cancellation In Sight?

eastwick-dipinfountainThe numbers don’t look good for ABC’s “Eastwick”, starring Rebecca Romijn, Lindsey Price, and Jamie Ray Newman.  Ratings for the witchy show exhibit a downward slide, losing viewers each week.  The decline may be bottoming out as last week “Eastwick” only lost 200,000 viewers as opposed to the constant 1.5 million loss with previous episodes.

According to Hollywood gossip blog, Deadline.com, ABC is spinning “Eastwick” as a “quiet success” which is leaving everyone else scratching their heads.

Fans of the show are already getting ready for cancellation.  If you’d like to join the fan movement to save “Eastwick”, follow them on Twitter: http://twitter.com/SaveEastwick .  A petition has been started here: http://www.petitiononline.com/saveeas1/petition.html

ABC’s “Eastwick” airs Wednesday nights at 10/9 C.


Now, I’ve been watching “Eastwick” every week, and I have to say that from the beginning, I didn’t have high hopes for this show and it doesn’t look like it has enough steam to last past a season at most from what I’ve seen so far.  Storylines are alright, but I wouldn’t say that they have ever knocked my socks off or made me say, “Wow! That was a great bit of television I just saw!”  It is playful and mildly entertaining, but easily forgettable.  Perhaps it is my hidden agenda to get Jamie Ray Newman back on “Eureka”, but the show isn’t making it hard for me to drop it off my watch list.  The curse of Lindsey Price strikes again!

[Source] AxiomsEdge, Deadline

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!