DR. HORRIBLE Sequel Progress Report

Now that “Dollhouse” has been packed up to the Fox-attic, Joss Whedon had set his sights on work on the sequel to his new media-hit “Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog”. Fans are chomping at the bit, wondering what’s going on with the eagerly anticipated sequel. Even though Whedon is available, what about the new” It” actor of Hollywood, Neil Patrick Harris? Whedon jokes:

“Sadly, my collaborators don’t have more time on their hands. They all have other jobs, which I think is both rude and disgusting.”

Harris does check in frequently with Whedon on scheduling for Dr. Horrible before he commits to other television, movie, award show-hosting gigs. Whedon pulls an impression of Harris:

“Are we making a movie starring me anytime? Just checking. OK, love you. No pressure.”

Whedon and co., including Maurissa Tancharoen and Jed Whedon, are working on Dr. Horrible:

“We very much want to do it. We meet, we hammer out stuff, we have songs, we have ideas, we’re really working it, but it’s a slow-moving train. We’re very passionate about it, and Neil’s been great. He’s always checking in before he takes a gig.”

Will NPH be guest starring on the upcoming “Glee” ep that Whedon is directing? The rumor mill is hot on this topic. Whedon says:

“That’s something that’s trying to be worked out, but I haven’t heard whether or not that’s going to take place. I hope so, that’d be great, [but] I don’t know anything about it. I’m just a director on hire for that. I’m a huge fan, [so] I’m going to show up and hopefully put the cameras somewhere useful.”

Whedon will try to control himself on the set of “Glee”, joking:

“I’m going to try to not stalk anyone. That’s going to be my big ambition. I practiced on Jamie Bamber, and I didn’t stalk him for eight days on that episode of Dollhouse. I think I can rock it. I think I’ll be OK.”

So… what’s Whedon up to this year then? SciFiMafia has reported that he has a meeting with the FX cable network. Will he be making a move to cable television? Whedon talks about his next move:

“I do hope to create something in this calendar year, as well as do jobs for other people, but I haven’t investigated anything besides Glee. That’ll actually take a chunk of time. It means a lot to me—I really want to get it right. So that’ll eat up the better part of a month, intellectually, so I’m holding out for a Joss Whedon joint.”

[Source] E!

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!