DOLLHOUSE Pulled From November Sweeps; Whedon Tapped For GLEE

dollhouseseason2art-anyonecanhappenContrary to news from Fox just a few days ago confirming “Dollhouse”s place during Sweeps, Fox has decided to pull the Joss Whedon show from November sweeps.  “Dollhouse” resumes airing the remainder of the 13 eps of season two on December 4th.  At the very least Fox is staying true to their word that it will air all of season two.

Joss Whedon meanwhile, has been tapped to direct an episode of another Fox show, “Glee”.  The Whedon-directed ep will air next spring.

Whedon is not worried yet about “Dollhouse” being cancelled.  He posted this in response to Fox’s move:

“Directing Glee. This is not a diabolical Fox scheme. This is me going “can I can I?” Did you see last night? Best cut-to-opening-credits moment since the halcyon days of BSG.
Howzabout that schedule? Well, I’m not as depressed as everyone else. We weren’t about to rock sweeps anyway, and though there’s a chilly November, December is CRAZY. It’s like an Advent calendar of episodes! We get November to try to spread the word (which I’ll be leaning on Fox to do, though it’s hard to imagine them doing as good a job as the WhyIWatch guy) and then December is pure gluttony. Plus the episodes line up extremely well in these pairs, and we’ll have an absurdly appropriate lead-in.
Back to breaking Tim’s episode. Keep the faith, peeps. I’ll bring you news (and hopefully a little humor, I mean would it kill me to punch these up a little?) when I can. -j”

Watch “Dollhouse”, Fridays on FOX 9/8C.

[Source] EW, TV Guide, Whedonesque

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!