DOLLHOUSE- Michael Hogan Guest Stars In Belle Chose (Sn2Ep3)- Synopsis, Preview, Promo Pics

Michael Hogan (Saul Tigh of BSG) guest stars in tonight’s DOLLHOUSE ep, “Belle Chose” (Season 2, Ep. 3).

Synopsis of “Belle Chose”:

Echo and Victor’s imprints collide when Echo is sent on an assignment as a fun-loving, seductive college student and Victor is imprinted as the psychotic nephew of a Dollhouse shareholder (guest star Hogan).
Guest Cast: Liza Lapira as Ivy; Michael Hogan as Bradley Karrens; Ayre Gross as Professor Gossen; Joe Sikora as Terry Karrens; Danielle Langlois as Aunt Shiela; Deanna Douglas as Little Sister; Tara Holt as Big Sister; Susan Ziegler as Mother; Matt Winston as Franklin

Here are promo pics to get your ready for your treatment:

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Watch “Dollhouse” on FOX, Fridays at 9/8 C.
Read the recap of last week’s ep here!

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!