Depp And Burton To Shoot DARK SHADOWS Next Year


As SciFi Mafia reported for you earlier, Johnny Depp and Tim Burton are indeed re-making the sixties gothic soap opera “Dark Shadows” into a film.   Depp will play the vampire Barnabas Collins.

Graham King, producer for the project, states:

“We’re actually going to shoot that film next September/October with Tim Burton and Johnny.”

Tim Burton is still at work with post on his “Alice in Wonderland”, also starring Depp, which premieres on March 5, 2010, but the production will be prepped to shoot next fall. King elaborates:

“We’ve been working on the script a lot, even though he’s working on Alice.  We’ve been given a script. John August (“Corpse Bride”, Burton’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”) wrote the first screenplay. We’re making some changes, but the film’s going to be in production, as I say, September or October of next year.”

Read here about the original TV series, “Dark Shadows”, and how Depp and Burton intend on putting their own spin on things.



Is anyone else excited to hear that Johnny Depp will finally play a vampire under the direction of Tim Burton?  I can barely contain myself!  I can’t wait to see what kinds of vampires Depp and Burton will inject into this world caught up in Glampires!

[Source] SciFiWire

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!