Daybreakers Facebook App: Drain Your Friends Dry


Are you familiar with Daybreakers? The new vamp movie that doesn’t sparkle! Well, you can check below for the buffet of other posts we have covered to catch up if not, but if your cool like us and are “hip” to the new vamp scene, then you’ll want to check out the new Daybreakers FB App over at

It is an “educational site” brought to you by the Bromley Marks Education Division, helping viewers like you better understand how Bromley Marks is helping control the blood shortage that is plaguing vampire society in 2019.

By logging in through Facebook Connect, you will be cast into the clip as the main character in this informational video that shows how you contributed to the beginning of vampire evolution. The site also shows you which one of your human friends to watch out for and how to capture them with 4 quick tips. Also, by visiting the site users will have the opportunity to sign up for their very own account with the Bromley Marks blood bank!

Official Movie Site

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff