DAREDEVIL Relaunch Taps FRINGE Scribe For Frank Miller’s BORN AGAIN

Fox has tapped into the writing talent of Brad Caleb Kane, writer/ producer on Fox cult show Fringe, to bring some edge to the studio’s relaunch of Daredevil. As SciFi Mafia reported to you in March, Fox is going forward with this project with Peter Cernin’s Chernin Entertainment and director David Slade (Eclipse, The Last Voyage of Demeter), but were seeking a different writer.

As was previously speculated, this Daredevil movie will not be a strict reboot, but rather continuing on with the Daredevil storyline as left off in the 2003 film starring Ben Affleck. Even more exciting is the confirmation from the Hollywood Reporter that Brad Caleb Kane will indeed be adapting Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli’s Born Again storyline.

Marvel fans, breathe a sigh of relief here. Kane is a Daredevil fan and “his energy and passion for the material helped him nab the job.” The selection of adapting the Born Again storyline for Daredevil sounds like nothing short of an exciting way to re-energize the Daredevil franchise much like how X-Men: First Class has done for X-Men.

In Born Again, Matt Murdock’s secret identity becomes known to Kingpin which gives Kingpin the opportunity to destroy Daredevil. After Kingpin’s attempt to eradicate Daredevil, he is left with no corpse to gloat over. Born Again is described as the “definitive Daredevil tale.” After all, “a man without hope is a man without fear.” This storyline does also invite the opportunity for the Avengers and Captain America’s involvement as well. We’ll keep watching this as it develops.

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!