
Dan Brereton and Star Wars #1 on the Next WMD RADIO

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Thank God it’s Wednesday! Not only do we get to hear “Guess what day it is?!” over and over, but even (and sincerely) better, it’s time to hear from our favorite comics and pop culture radio show, WMD Radio (yes, formerly Where Monsters Dwell). We love them.


Episode 322 – Dan Brereton

This week on WMD Radio we welcome Dan Brereton. Dan will be telling us about his new project, Nocturnals: The Sinister Path.

We’ll also be reviewing Star Wars #1 from Marvel Comics and Copperhead #5 from Image Comics.

As always, we welcome your  participation in the show. You can post any questions or comments you may have in our Facebook group, on Twitter (@WMDRadio) or call us at 506-452-6056.

Followed by:


Episode 008: Ryan Lee

This week our favorite American joins us from the wilds of Minnesota to partake in the usual rapid-fire shenanigans we call WMD After Dark. Join us at 9PM EST/10PM AST as Ryan Lee shares his views along with our panel and *maybe* drops a few subtle plugs about his webcomic collaboration with Monster Mike called “Superpub”.

Grab a coffee, add some alcohol and be sure tune in! In the meantime, you should really go check out http://www.superpubcomic.com/!

Don’t miss ’em! Remember, it’s WMD Radio at 8/7c at http://www.wmdradio.com/, and WMD After Dark at http://afterdark.wmdradio.com/ at 9/8c.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com