
SciFi Mafia’s Comic Release Watch: 10/26/11

Here’s what hits stores this week!

DC Comics

Absolute All-Star Superman HC (New Printing), $99.99

All-New Batman The Brave And The Bold #12, $2.99

All-Star Western #1 (Moritat 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99

All-Star Western #2, $3.99

Aquaman #1 (Ivan Reis & Joe Prado 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Aquaman #2, $2.99

Batman The Dark Knight #1 (David Finch 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Batman The Dark Knight #2, $2.99

Blackest Night Black Lantern 1:4 Scale Power Battery And Ring Prop Replica Set, $35.00

Blackhawks #1 (Ken Lashley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Blackhawks #2, $2.99

DC Comics Presents Catwoman Guardian Of Gotham #1, $7.99

DC Comics Presents The Jack Kirby Omnibus Sampler #1, $7.99

DMZ #70, $2.99

Flash #1 (Francis Manapul 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Flash #2 (Francis Manapul Regular Cover), $2.99

Flash #2 (Francis Manapul Black & White Variant Edition), AR

Flash #2 (Greg Capullo Variant Cover), AR

Flashpoint HC (per DC Comics), $22.99

Fury Of Firestorm The Nuclear Men #1 (Ethan Van Sciver 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Fury Of Firestorm The Nuclear Men #2, $2.99

Gears Of War #20, $2.99

Green Lantern New Guardians #1 (Tyler Kirkham & Batt 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Green Lantern New Guardians #2, $2.99

Green Woman TP, $17.99

I Vampire #1 (Jenny Frison 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

I Vampire #2, $2.99

Justice League Dark #1 (Ryan Sook 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Justice League Dark #2, $2.99

Legion Secret Origin #1 (Of 6), $2.99

MAD Magazine #512, $5.99

Savage Hawkman #1 (Philip Tan 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Savage Hawkman #2, $2.99

Scalped #53, $2.99

Spaceman #1 (Of 9), $1.00

Supergirl #2, $2.99

Superman #1 (George Perez 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Superman #2, $2.99

Superman Batman Sorcerer Kings HC, $22.99

Teen Titans #1 (Brett Booth & Norm Rapmund 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Teen Titans #2, $2.99

Voodoo #1 (Sami Basri 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Voodoo #2, $2.99

Marvel Comics

Amazing Spider-Man #672, $3.99

Annihilators Earthfall #2 (Of 4), $3.99

Astonishing X-Men #43, $3.99

Avengers Academy #20, $2.99

Avengers Solo #1 (Of 5)(John Tyler Christopher Regular Cover), $3.99

Avengers Solo #1 (Of 5)(Captain America Movie Variant Cover), AR

Captain America And Bucky #623, $2.99

Captain America The Trial Of Captain America TP, $19.99

Daken Dark Wolverine #16, $2.99

Daken Dark Wolverine Big Break HC (Premiere Edition), $19.99

Daredevil #3 (Paolo Rivera 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Daredevil #5, $2.99

Deadpool #45 (Nick Bradshaw Regular Cover), $2.99

Deadpool #45 (Greg Horn Marvel Comics 50th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR

Disney Pixar Presents Toy Story, $5.99

Dorothy And The Wizard In Oz #2 (Of 8), $2.99

Dream Logic #4, $5.99

Fantastic Four By Joe Quesada Poster, $8.99

Fantastic Four By Jonathan Hickman Volume 4 TP, $19.99

FF #11, $2.99

From The Marvel Vault TP, $14.99

Incredible Hulk #1 (Marc Silvestri Regular Cover), $3.99

Incredible Hulk #1 (Blank Variant Cover), AR

Incredible Hulk #1 (Dale Keown Variant Cover), AR

Incredible Hulk #1 (Jose Ladronn Variant Cover), AR

Incredible Hulk #1 (Marc Silvestri Sketch Variant Cover), AR

Incredible Hulk #1 (Neal Adams Variant Cover), AR

Incredible Hulk #1 (Whilce Portacio Variant Cover), AR

Iron Age HC, $29.99

Journey Into Mystery #630, $2.99

Marvel Masterworks The Fantastic Four Volume 7 TP, $24.99

Marvel Masterworks The Fantastic Four Volume 7 TP (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 34), $24.99

Mighty Thor #7 (Pasqual Ferry Regular Cover), $3.99

Mighty Thor #7 (Alan Davis Marvel Comics 50th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR

New Mutants #32, $2.99

Red Skull #4 (Of 5), $2.99

Secret Avengers #18 (John Cassaday Regular Cover), $3.99

Secret Avengers #18 (David Aja Variant Cover), AR

Shattered Heroes Rolled Poster (Promotional Item), AR

Spider-Island Cloak And Dagger #3 (Of 3), $2.99

Spider-Island The Amazing Spider-Girl #3 (Of 3), $2.99

Spider-Island Deadly Hands Of Kung Fu #3 (Of 3), $2.99

Spider-Man #19 (Marvel Adventures), $2.99

Spider-Man Deadly Foes Of Spider-Man TP, $24.99

Spider-Man The Complete Ben Reilly Epic Volume 2 TP, $39.99

Thor The Trials Of Loki TP, $16.99

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #2 (Kaare Andrews 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99

Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #3, $3.99

Ultimate Comics X Origins HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99

Ultimate Comics X Origins HC (Premiere Edition)(Direct Market Variant Edition), $24.99

Uncanny X-Men By Dale Keown Oversized Poster, $34.99

Vampires The Marvel Undead #1, $3.99

Venom #8 (Tony Moore Regular Cover), $2.99

Wolverine And The X-Men #1 (Chris Bachalo Regular Cover), $3.99

Wolverine And The X-Men #1 (Blank Variant Cover), AR

Wolverine And The X-Men #1 (Frank Cho Variant Cover), AR

Wolverine And The X-Men #1 (Nick Bradshaw Regenesis Gold Variant Cover), AR

Wolverine Wolverine’s Revenge HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99

Dark Horse Comics

Abe Sapien The Devil Does Not Jest #2 (Of 2), $3.50

Angel And Faith #3 (Rebekah Isaacs Variant Cover), $2.99

Angel And Faith #3 (Steve Morris Regular Cover), $2.99

Blade Of The Immortal Volume 24 Massacre TP, $19.99

Bride Of The Water God Volume 9 TP, $9.99

Classic Marvel Characters #2 The Hulk, $49.95

Dagar The Invincible Archives Volume 1 HC, $49.99

Manara Library Volume 1 HC, $59.99

Oh My Goddess Volume 19 TP, $11.99

Star Wars Crimson Empire III Empire Lost #1 (Of 6)(Dave Dorman Regular Cover), $3.50

Star Wars Crimson Empire III Empire Lost #1 (Of 6)(Paul Gulacy Variant Cover), $3.50

Turok Son Of Stone Archives Volume 9 HC, $49.99

Image Comics

27 Second Set #2 (Of 4), $3.99

Avengelyne #4 (Cover A Rob Liefeld), $2.99

Avengelyne #4 (Cover B Owen Gieni), $2.99

Breed III #6 (Of 7), $2.99

Butcher Baker The Righteous Maker #7, $2.99

Darkness #94, $3.99

Gladstone’s School For World Conquerors #6, $2.99

Green Wake #6, $3.50

Guarding The Globe #6 (Of 6)(Ransom Getty & FCO Plascencia Regular Cover), $3.50

Guarding The Globe #6 (Of 6)(Variant Cover), AR

Infinite Horizon #5 (Of 6)(resolicited), $2.99

Li’l Depressed Boy #7, $2.99

Magdalena #7 (Of 13)(Ron Marz/Keu Cha/Nelson Blake II Signed Edition), $14.99

Magdalena #9, $3.99

Pilot Season The Beauty #1, $3.99

Red Wing #4 (Of 4), $3.50

Screamland #5, $2.99

Vault #3 (Of 3), $3.50

Vescell #3, $2.99

Walking Dead #90, $2.99

Walking Dead Weekly #43, $2.99

Witchblade #144 (Signed Edition), $10.00

Witchblade #145 (Erik Jones HeroesCon Exclusive Variant Cover), $10.00

IDW Publishing

Anne Rice’s Servant Of The Bones #3 (Of 6)(Renae DeLiz Regular Cover), $3.99

Anne Rice’s Servant Of The Bones #3 (Of 6)(Jenny Frison Variant Cover), AR

Billy Majestic’s Humpty Dumpty TP, $14.99

Cobra #6 (Cover A David Williams), $3.99

Cobra #6 (Cover B Antonio Fuso), $3.99

Cobra #6 (Robert Atkins Crisis On Infinite Earths Variant Cover), AR

Danger Girl Deluxe Edition TP, $29.99

Eternal Descent Volume 2 #1 (Of 6)(Jason Metcalf &Juan Castro Regular Cover), $3.99

Eternal Descent Volume 2 #1 (Of 6)(Santi Casas & Ikari Studio Variant Cover), AR

G.I. JOE Omnibus Volume 1 TP, $24.99

Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #8 (Eric Powell Regular Cover), $3.99

Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #8 (Matt Frank MechaGodzilla Variant Cover), AR

James Patterson’s Witch And Wizard Volume 1 The Battle For Shadowland TP, $12.99

Robert Bloch’s That Hellbound Train TP, $17.99

Star Trek #2 (Cover A Tim Bradstreet), $3.99

Star Trek #2 (Cover B Joe Corroney), $3.99

Star Trek #2 (Photo Variant Cover), AR

Star Trek #2 (Tim Bradstreet Sketch Variant Cover), AR

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 (Cover A Dan Duncan), $3.99

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 (Fred Hembeck Spoof Variant Cover), AR

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 (Kevin Eastman Sketch Variant Cover), AR

Dynamite Entertainment

Armor X TP, $16.99

Bring The Thunder TP, $16.99

George R.R. Martin’s A Game Of Thrones #2 (Alex Ross Regular Cover), $3.99

George R.R. Martin’s A Game Of Thrones #2 (Alex Ross Negative Art Variant Cover), AR

George R.R. Martin’s A Game Of Thrones #2 (Alex Ross Virgin Variant Cover), AR

George R.R. Martin’s A Game Of Thrones #2 (Mike Miller Variant Cover), AR

Kato #14 (Ale Garza Regular Cover), $3.99

Kato #14 (Ale Garza Black & White Variant Cover), AR

Kirby Genesis #4 (Alex Ross Regular Cover), $3.99

Kirby Genesis #4 (Alex Ross Marvelous Acetate Variant Cover), AR

Kirby Genesis #4 (Alex Ross Sketch Variant Cover), AR

Kirby Genesis #4 (Ryan Sook Black & White Variant Cover), AR

Kirby Genesis #4 (Ryan Sook Variant Cover), AR

Living Corpse Omnibus TP, $24.99

Robert Jordan’s Wheel Of Time The Eye Of The World #15, $3.99

Vampirella #11 (Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic Regular Cover), $3.99

Vampirella #11 (Johnny Desjardins Regular Cover), $3.99

Vampirella #11 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover), $3.99

Vampirella #11 (Wagner Reis Regular Cover), $3.99

Vampirella #11 (Paul Renaud Blood Red Variant Cover), AR

Vampirella #11 (Wagner Reis Black & White Variant Cover), AR

Vampirella And The Scarlet Legion #5 (Billy Tucci Regular Cover), $3.99

Vampirella And The Scarlet Legion #5 (Johnny Desjardins Regular Cover), $3.99

Vampirella And The Scarlet Legion #5 (Billy Tucci Black & White Variant Cover), AR

Vampirella Masters Series Volume 6 James Robinson TP, $16.99

Zorro Volume 3 Tales Of The Fox TP, $19.99

Boom! Studios

Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep Volume 6 HC (Of 6), $24.99

Incorruptible #23 (Cover A Garry Brown, $3.99

Incorruptible #23 (Cover B Matteo Scalera), $3.99

Incorruptible Volume 5 TP, $16.99

Planet Of The Apes #7 (Cover A Carlos Magno), $3.99

Planet Of The Apes #7 (Cover B Damian Couceiro), $3.99

Planet Of The Apes #7 (Cover C Andrew Huerto), AR

Stan Lee’s Traveler Volume 2 TP, $14.99;

Brandon Johnston
Written by Brandon Johnston

Brandon is a Reporter, Critic, Tornado Alley Correspondent, Technomancer, and Book Department Editor for SciFi Mafia®. When he's not writing for SciFi Mafia®, he's busy being a dad, a novelist, and a man with more hobbies and interests than is healthy for any one person to have.