Comic-Con 2010: Marvel Movie Wrapup – Avengers Assemble On Stage, Thor and Captain America Footage Shown

Marvel Studios made a big splash at Comic-Con, not only did Joss Whedon confirm that he was directing the forthcoming team-up film, The Avengers but they also announced that Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker) would in-fact be playing Hawkeye and confirmed that Mark Ruffalo (Shutter Island) is playing Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk. Both actors will join Robert Downey, Jr. (Iron Man), Chris Evans (Captain America), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) and Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson).

The entire cast, along with Whedon and Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige took to the stage at Comic-Con. Check out the picture below!

MTV spoke with Whedon about Renner and Ruffalo joining the cast –

Whedon said,

“The thing about Hawkeye, he’s got his bows and arrows, you need somebody who’s very very down to earth, who’s very grounded, and who’s going to be the kind of guy who, you see him, and you understand why he likes to be far away from things and then shoot at them,” Whedon said, adding that without the right actor in the role things could get “very silly” if handled incorrectly. “[With] Jeremy, he just has a lovely quality.”

With regard to Ruffalo, Whedon says the celebrated actor was his “first and only choice for Bruce Banner.”

“I’m stunned that we landed that, just stunned,” he said. “He has what I remember loving about the show, that quality of, you just look at him and you go through it with him, he invites you in in a way that [no] other performer has since Bill Bixby. He is a guy who’s been beaten up by life, but not defined by that. That’s what I want from Bruce Banner, is a guy who’s still getting it done, even though he has his problem.”

Captain America: The First Avenger director Joe Johnston brought a quick teaser trailer and some rough footage of the film to Comic-Con (which was only shot a week ago). Check out the descriptions of the teaser and footage below, via Collider.

Captain America: The First Avenger – Teaser

Mostly World War II footage and radio broadcasts super-imposed over Captain America’s shield, at the end the teaser closes in on Evans in his Captain America outfit, turning towards the camera. The title came up on the screen, then a brief shot of Cap throwing his shield at the camera.

Captain America: The First Avenger – Rough Footage

Weaving comes in as Johann Schmidt, who would eventually become “Red Skull”. He’s leading a team of Nazi soldiers as they storm a catacomb and open a sarcophagus to reveal a skeleton holding what appears to be the Cosmic Cube. Schmidt says it was “the jewel of Odin’s treasure room.” He then walks around the catacomb and looks at a giant engraving of a tree along a wall. Schmidt then is able to find a secret compartment that pushes out into a box. He then takes out the box, opens it, we see a blue light reflected on Schmidt’s face and then the scene ends.

Thor director Kenneth Branagh took the stage for the Thor panel, and he sort of geeked out that he was able to see some of the mythology from his movie in the Captain America footage. Branagh brought some footage from Thor as well, check out the description below via Collider.

Thor – Footage

Starts off basically where Iron Man 2 ended: with the hammer in the desert. Cut to Thor being interrogated by Gregg because he destroyed a whole team of his men. We then go to Asgard, which looks sort of like a golden, more polished and richer version of Naboo, where Thor is being yelled at by Odin, stripped of his powers, and banished to New Mexico. “This is Earth, isn’t it?” he asks when he’s discovered alone, in the desert, by Portman’s character. She then brings him into her world where he describes that where he’s from, magic and science are one in the same. Back in Asgard, things don’t seem to be going too well and Loki is now the king, which seems to set off a bunch of things on Earth, including Thor trying – and failing – to lift his hammer. We then get a bunch of action stuff cut together, including some awesome stuff with Thor swinging the hammer and a bunch of the other gods, etc. In the end, we see a Destroyer come to Earth and blow up some cars before the footage ended.

Thor is slated to hit theaters on May 2nd, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger is slated to hit theaters on July 22nd, 2011.

The Avengers is slated to hit theaters on May 4th, 2012.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®