Comic-Con 2010: CHUCK Is The Spawn Of Sarah Connor

One of the biggest pieces of news to come out of the San Diego Comic-Con this past weekend is the news that Chuck’s mother has been cast and it is none other than,… wait for it…  Sarah freakin’ Connor herself, Linda Hamilton! Hamilton will be seen in the season premiere in the fall, but wait, there’s more on NBC’s Chuck!

How will Mary Bartowski be received by her children that she abandoned? Actress Sarah Lancaster, who plays Ellie has this to say about this family reunion of sorts:

“I don’t know that finding mom is the best thing, or will be well-received by Ellie. She left, you know? It’s not the same sweetness as it was with Scott Bakula’s character. It’s going to be more like ‘Who are you? Where did you go?'”

Executive producer, Josh Schwartz, views Hamilton’s casting from geeky lenses:

“We’re always looking for guest stars who will be great in the part, but who also speak to our audience and feel like it comes out of the universe of our show. If Chuck and Morgan were watching Chuck, they would be excited about Linda coming on board. Chuck was certainly a Terminator fan, and Morgan was a Beauty and the Beast fan… Obviously her body of work was important to us, but also knowing what this part was and the intensity that we were going to need from someone, Linda was a natural fit. She’ll be [kicking ass] right out of the gate.”

[More after the jump]

[Above: Linda Hamilton in Terminator]

Undoubtedly, the mystery behind Chuck’s mom will be the focus of this next season. Show runner Chris Fedak says that there will be story-changing revelations in the premiere episode:

“By the end of the episode we are going to turn everything on its head with regard to who she is.”

Momma-drama aside, will Chuck and Sarah stay a couple? Schwartz says we’ll be happy:

“I think we’re happy if they’re happy or if what they’re struggling with [is] we’re a couple. There won’t be a third-party romantic interloper for the couple, but there will be the struggles that a couple faces.”

Zachary Levi aka Chuck, kept things copacetic by saying:

“Even though we’re together now and we’re a couple officially, a love has always been there.”

Yvonne Strahovski aka Sarah Walker, Chuck’s spy sweetie and partner, hopes that the spy couple will be happy as well:

“I have to say I was very excited to finally be part of the some of the happy stuff. There’s probably going to more of that this season, I hope. Please.”

What other highlights came out of the Chuck panel? Check it out in this rundown list of spoilery goodies:

  • Casey (Adam Baldwin) may be on a mission or two with his no longer estranged daughter.
  • Morgan (Joshua Gomez) does more spy stuff! (For better or worse that may be)
  • We haven’t seen the last of Jeffster (Vik Sahay and Scott Krinsky).
  • Old Spice commercial spokesperson, Isaiah Mustafa, has been cast in the same role as Olivia Munn. Fedak explains: “We realized we were stunt casting one part over and over again, so each week we’re going to try to bring a new spy in to play the part of Greta.”
  • There will be more Awesomeness! As in Ellie and Awesome starting a family!

Chuck returns on September 20, 2010.

[Source] E!, EW

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!