CHUCK: Is Harry Dean Stanton In Cahoots With Linda Hamilton?

Hot news about the season premiere of NBC’s Chuck! Harry Dean Stanton (This Must Be The Place, Alien) will be guest starring on the show with a particular tie-in with Linda Hamilton’s character aka Chuck’s long lost mom, Mary Elizabeth Bartowski. Show runner Chris Fedak talks about Stanton’s character:

“Harry will play Harry Dean, the man who comes between Chuck and his search for his Mom. Who is he exactly? Well, we’ll say this. Only Harry Dean Stanton could play this part.”

The season premiere will also feature a guest spot by Dolph Lundgren (Skin Trade, Expendables) who will play someone named Marco. Fedak teases Lundgren’s role:

“Is he Russian? Yes. Is he a terrifying bad guy? Yes.”

Don’t miss the season premiere of Chuck, entitled “Chuck vs. the Anniversary” on NBC, September 20, 2010.

[Source] DigitalSpy

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!