
Celebrate the Return of New THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Episodes With Recap and More


This week REALLY IS a new episode of The Vampire Diaries and I can’t wait. If you can’t remember what happened when we left off, especially with that pesky break messing with our viewing rhythms, then the rehash featurette will really come in handy. But here’s a little reminder (yes spoilers if you haven’t seen it, but if you haven’t seen it, you shouldn’t be looking at this post): Jeremy still dead. Gilbert house burned. Elena’s emotions removed. Remember?

To help prepare you for Elena as Ripper, we have Elena as Grief-stricken Sister in the Rehash, then a trailer and three clips from tonight’s sure-to-be-eye-popping episode:

Featurette: The Vampire Diaries – Rehash: Stand By Me

TV Spot: The Vampire Diaries – Bring It On Preview

Clip: The Vampire Diaries – Cheer Squad

Clip: The Vampire Diaries – Bigger Problems

Clip: The Vampire Diaries – Bring It On

So, given the title of the episode, I wonder if we’ll get a Roll Call scene…

The Vampire Diaries, starring Ian SomerhalderPaul WesleyNina DobrevCandice AccolaSteven R. McQueenKat GrahamJoseph Morgan, and Claire Holt, airs Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com