
Brace Yourself for the REVOLUTION Series Finale With Featurette and Trailer

Revolution s2 key art wide

Of all the shows that have been cancelled at the end of this TV season, Revolution probably makes me the most sad. It was slow going, the first half of the first season, but then the pace picked up and continued to roll right on through to the end of Season 2, getting better and better with every episode.

There’s every chance that the series finale, which airs Wednesday at 8/7c on NBC, will leave us with a cliffhanger, since they didn’t know it was going to be cancelled when they wrote and shot the episode. But there is no way that I’d miss what they’ve prepared for us, not only out of respect for everyone involved in this excellent series, but because I just have to see where they take it, one more time.

NBC has released a great “Revolution Revealed” featurette that analyzes last week’s penultimate episode, followed by a trailer for the series finale:

Featurette: Revolution – Revolution Revealed: Episode 221

Trailer: Revolution – Series Finale Preview

Thanks and congratulations on the excellent series, and all the best on your future endeavors to everyone involved in the production of Revolution.

Revolution, starring Billy Burke, Tracy Spiridakos, Giancarlo Esposito, David Lyons, Zak Orth, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Maureen Sebastian, airs its series finale on Wednesday, May 21 at 8/7c on NBC.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com