Book Review: Fringe: The Zodiac Paradox

fringezodiacAuthor: Christa Faust

Paperback: 368 pages

Publisher: Titan Books

ISBN-10: 178116309X

ISBN-13: 978-1781163092


Fringe – The Zodiac Paradox
In 1974, University students Walter Bishop and William Bell test an exotic chemical compound, attempting to link their subconscious minds. The result is beyond all expectations—a rip in space, opening the way between two universes. Through the rift comes a menace unlike any our world has ever imagined, and it falls to Bishop, Bell, and their ally Nina Sharp to stop him.

This is the first in what looks to be a really fun series of stories that take us deeper into the mythology of the Fringe world. This particular book follows a young Walter Bishop on a mission with his friends William Bell and Nina Sharp. The cover does the book a disservice because the whole book centers on the young men while they’re just out of college and while I can see that there is a certain theme surrounding the covers, you won’t get any present day Walter or Nina as they are pictured, and I think the art work could have better represented that.

ANYWAY. This is one of my favorite kind of stories where a major event or mystery of the past plays out in a fictional world. In this case it is the famous Zodiac Killer that parallels with the Fringe universe.

Walter and Bell were testing a new kind of acid at a lake, and during their trip they open up a tear in the universe where the Zodiac Killer appears. Not only does having a serial killer on the loose mean very bad things, but the serial killer is different now, even more dangerous.

If you didn’t watch Fringe on television you could enjoy this book just the same. It could easily stand alone and doesn’t need any explanation to get you caught up. It’s a great take on a very sci-fi twist on the Zodiac murders.

The author, Christa Faust, does a wonderful job of capturing the voice of Walter Bishop and William Bell. Which is interesting because she captures Walter’s voice in such a way that we haven’t seen all that much of in Fringe. Younger than we’ve really seen him, and not yet missing the part of his brain that makes him forgetful and a little bonkers.

It is also full of Easter Eggs for you die hard Fringe fans out there. I won’t spoil it for you, but there is a good bit of mythology explained – it’s worth reading just to have that added bit to your understanding of why and how things are in the Fringe series.

Fringe: The Zodiac Paradox a fun quick read that you could easily enjoy on the fly, and I look forward to the other books in the series.

I give Fringe: The Zodiac Paradox 5 out of 5 stars.



Fringe: The Zodiac Paradox is available to order from Amazon! Here’s the link!

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for