Book Review: Collider

ColliderAuthor: Christopher Hejmanowski

Paperback: 334 pages

Publisher: Fischer Press

ISBN-10: 0985718005
ISBN-13: 978-0985718008


Collider is the award-winner in the Fiction: Science Fiction category of the 2013 International Book Awards. Particle physicist, Dr. Fin Canty, is on a quest to find proof of the “god particle”, and travels across both Earthly continents and astral planes of existence as he fights to reunite his family. He journeys through a multiverse revealing the ultimate power of human will.

Never judge a book by its cover. It’s a phrase we use in day to day life as a metaphor for not judging the people we come in contact with, but I am begging you to not judge Collider by its horrible cover, like I did.

In fact when it came and I saw the cover, my stomach sank. I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to stomach something that held hands with that font. All I could think was that I had gotten myself into something that was going to be less “sci-fi” and more “new age,” and I couldn’t have been further from wrong.

There are no snooze fests in Collider. In fact I would recommend that you not pick it up for the first time as you’re crawling into bed, because writer Christopher Hejmanowski almost instantly starts developing two stories that couldn’t be more different.

The first follows Dr. Fin Canty, a scientist who worked with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) on the Hadron Collider and his daughter Eva as they adjust with the faith-shaking death of his wife, while another story, of brutal Hispanic gang MS-13 and its leader Azazel, rides parallel. Between the fast-paced, anxiety-inducing gang scenes mixed with the highly intelligent, scientific scenes, this book starts out awesome and it’s not even sci-fi yet.

It doesn’t take long, though, for the sci-fi to take over. This book takes you on a really well thought out journey through the after-life with really interesting concepts of Heaven and Hell in such descriptive way that I couldn’t put the book down.

It’s a debut novel for Christopher Hejmanowski, who is presently an ER physician. He has such an amazing grasp on the science coming out of the work at CERN that I was periodically blown away by the direction he was able to take that knowledge. I look forward to his next book.

I give Collider by Christopher Hejmanowski Five out of Five Stars.



Collider is available at Amazon! Here’s a link!


Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for