Blade Runner: Prequel/Sequel Producers Want Christopher Nolan

We told you just the other day that Warner Bros.-based financing and production company Alcon Entertainment co-founders and co-Chief Executive Officers Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosove had acquired the film, television and ancillary franchise rights to produce prequels and sequels to the 1982 Ridley Scott directed science-fiction thriller, Blade Runner.

Now, thanks to an interview over at io9, we now know a bit about what they intend to do with the seemingly sacred, sci-fi property. Andrew A. Kosove stated that he would like Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Rises) to helm their trip back into the Blade Runner universe.

“Our friend Christopher Nolan who we did Insomnia [with] would be the pie in the sky for us. To be clear I think what Christopher Nolan did – and to be clear, we cannot remake Blade Runner. As a legal matter, we have not bought the remake rights we have no interest in remaking it we can only do prequels or sequels. But I think the methodology that Christopher Nolan brought to Batman is precisely what we aspire to whomever the filmmaker is, whether Ridley Scott comes back and joins us or it’s someone else. It’s precisely what we aspire to with Blade Runner, that’s the template for us.”

Kosove also spoke about reaching out to Ridley Scott, director of the original Blade Runner:

“The answer to that question is as follows. I’m going to answer it very briefly – we won’t say if we’ve reached out to Ridley Scott or not, but what we will say is that Ridley Scott’s blessing to what we’re doing is very important to Alcon. It’s important to Bud Yorkin, and certainly we have the greatest degree of respect to him as a filmmaker. He’s one of the greatest living directors and one of the greatest directors of all time. So of course he’s very important.”

Kosove also spoke with the LATimes about their plans for building upon the Blade Runner universe.

“The Blade Runner lore is kind of irresistible. And the extraordinary pace of technological advancement since the movie came out means that there are a lot of opportunities to do something fresh.”

“The risk is not just getting a movie made but coming up with a story that really justifies coming back one to one of the great science-fiction stories. A lot of filmmakers have borrowed from Blade Runner in the intervening years, and we want to make sure we don’t look like we’re borrowing from the movies that borrowed from it. Coming up with something original on our part is a real threshold issue. We know there are tremendous challenges here.”

Kosove revealed what he thinks about the possibility of director Ridley Scott being involved in their new Blade Runner projects:

“We haven’t met Ridley Scott, but the thought of re-engaging with his artistic vision is very exciting, and [him directing] is something we think would be wonderful.”

No proposed production dates have been announced.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®