
Behold the Amazing International Trailer for STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS Plus a Nice Poster

Star Trek Into Darkness logo cape wide

Sorry, I don’t mean to sell the poster short, it’s great, it’s just that the trailer is SO AMAZING. And I LOVE amazing. Yes there are some reveals in this international trailer for my personal most-highly-anticipated movie of the year Star Trek Into Darkness, so sorry spoilerphobes, but really this is a Do Not Miss trailer for any fans or fans-to-be. It’s not too spoilery, it’s just an incredible tease.

Make sure you have time to watch it a couple of times, because once you see it once you’ll want to see it again and again.

International Trailer: Star Trek Into Darkness

“I will walk over your cold corpses.” WOW how I cannot wait for this movie. Oh right, sorry, here’s the poster:

Star Trek ID poster 2

Thank you to all involved in the creation and presentation of the excellent trailer. NOW PLEASE BRING US THE MOVIE RIGHT AWAY.

Star Trek Into Darkness, starring Chris PineZachary QuintoBenedict CumberbatchKarl UrbanZoe SaldanaJohn ChoSimon PeggAnton YelchinBruce Greenwoodand Alice Eve,  is slated to hit theaters on May 17, 2013 (with an early IMAX sneak peek on May 15).

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com