‘Batman’ And ‘Doc Savage’ Crossover On The Horizon


Writer Brian Azzarello has revealed details on DC’s upcoming crossover featuring Batman and classic comic book character Doc Savage.

Announced back in May, the special issue will lead into a six-part miniseries in 2010, featuring the two heroes alongside fellow non-super powered crime fighter The Spirit.

“I’ve been kind of involved with this for a long time. [DC executive editor] Dan DiDio knew I was a fan of this stuff,” Azzarello told CBR. “He’d been trying to acquire the rights for a while and we got them, he told me and it was like, ‘let’s do this’. And it just went from there.”

The scribe will write both the forthcoming special and next year’s miniseries, with illustrations by Phil Noto and Rag Morales, respectively.

Doc Savage first appeared in 1993, created by Street and Smith Publications’ Henry Ralston, editor John Nanovic and writer Lester Dent. The character has since starred in books published by Gold Key, Marvel and Dark Horse.

The crossover special is released in November.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®