In a classic move of, “I’m taking my ball and going home,” Barnes and Noble has made the decision to pull graphic novels such as Watchmen and Sandman from their stores in light of the deal that DC Comics has entered with the Amazon to sell their graphic novels exclusively through the new Kindle Fire, Amazon‘s color e-reader device.
When asked about the tantrum decision BN issued the following statement:
“Regardless of the publisher, we will not stock physical books in our stores if we are not offered the available digital format…To sell and promote the physical book in our store showrooms and not have the e-book available for sale would undermine our promise to Barnes & Noble customer to make available any book, anywhere.”
While the reasoning in this statement is sound, the timing says everything we need to know. But in all honesty it’s BN’s fault. They’ve had a color e-reader for over a year now, and they have made no moves to secure similar rights. I loved my Nook Color but was always disappointed that graphic novels weren’t given a higher priority. Now that ship has sailed and BN’s one trump card has lost a niche market.
[Source] Shelf Life