Amazing New Visual Effects Featurette for THE WALKING DEAD

We fans of The Walking Dead have been justifiably wowed and totally creeped out by the amazing special effects makeup created by Greg Nicotero and his crew. But there are some other effects about which you may not have known, or have forgotten since you last watched the bonus features on your season 1 Blu-ray set. They are the computer generated effects, and for The Walking Dead they are created by Stargate Studios:

I love that. If it inspires you to want to see the featurette we posted  back in August of Blue Bolt‘s effects for Game of Thrones season 1, like it did for me, click here. Since the point is for us to not notice where the “real” ends and the CG begins, the CG artists are often unsung heroes. As a special favor, SciFi Mafia will not actually sing, but right here and now we give Kudos and Loud Huzzahs to each and every one of them.

The Walking Dead season 2 airs Sundays at 9/8c on AMC.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for