Is Captain Jack Too Gay For America?

As SciFiMafia has reported to you earlier, an American version of the BBC’s “Torchwood” is being developed by Fox and the same British team that brought us the original “Doctor Who” spin-off, but is Captain Jack Harkness too gay for America? Will the American version change John Barrowman’s character for American audiences?

John Barrowman, who is a current guest star in “Desperate Housewives”, hopes the American “Torchwood” will remain true to its original characters:

“I hope wherever [the franchise] goes that the show stays the same. The last thing I would want would be for Jack to become this heterosexual, straight hero. He’s an omnisexual guy. He likes men, women, aliens, whatever. I think we should continue going down that route.”

The openly gay, triple-threat actor sounds like he will stick to his guns for Captain Jack Harness’ sexual orientation, but admits that the decision of the details of the American “Torchwood” will be up to series creator Russell T. Davies and producer Julie Gardner.

Fox has ordered a script from Davies. Fans will be happy to know that “there [would] be no “Torchwood” without John Barrowman as Capt. Jack”. Barrowman won’t bat an eye to take up Capt. Jack Harkness’ WWII coat:

“If I am asked to do Torchwood again, I will do it at the drop of a hat — whether it’s in America or back in Britain or if it’s for a film. I absolutely love Capt. Jack.”

No word yet on when the British “Torchwood” will resume.

[Source] EW

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!