The Spectacular Fan Costumes Of Dallas All-Con 2010

This past weekend, March 12-14, 2010, a most impressive showing of fan-boys and girls converged on Dallas, TX. All-Con is an event that encompasses content supporting fans of all types of science fiction, fantasy, Renaissance, anime, costuming, theater/ performing arts, mystery, arts and crafts, collectors, and film makers.

What struck me most about this convention was that it was a Con that was keenly attuned to fans and fan-based groups. Everywhere you turn, you’d find a die-hard fan who is also an active member in a fan community whether it be a costuming guild or podcasters. There is no half-assing at this Con!

The diversity of All-Con’s events ran the gamut from the Imperial Gladiators obstacle course tournament with Storm Troopers of the 501st Star Garrison to the Assassination City Roller Derby demonstrations to Costuming contests. Special guests at All-Con included John Billingsley (“Star Trek Enterprise”, “True Blood”), Anne Lockhart (1978 “Battlestar Galactica” series), and Larry Hama (“G.I.Joe”, “Bucky O’Hare”). The workshops featured at All-Con are equally varied with a high level of technical expertise in subjects like Asian ball-jointed dolls, costuming how-to’s, vacuuforming tools and methods, burlesque and belly-dancing, and legalities behind photography and copyright law.

Most of all, this Con is a place to see and be seen. You can’t help but be impressed by the passionate expression these fans have for what they love by the way they craft their spectacular costumes!

Here is a photojournalistic tour of my time covering All-Con. There is a collection of images at the end of this article showing of some of the best costumes I saw there. Names of each costumed con attendee and the fan groups that these proud fans are a part of are also listed. It makes a fascinating browse to see just how many fan groups there are out there!

Imperial Gladiators Game – members of the 501st Star Garrison compete in various obstacle courses. Special guest, John Billingsley aka Dr. Phlox from “Star Trek Enterprise” stood in as the Princess in distress, sans the gold bikini but armed with a nerf gun.

Workshops like DIY Dressing Dummies taught techniques to transfer your own body shape to a dressing dummy. Here members of Baad JooJoo begin explaining in detail of what it took to make an accurate foam dummy.

Assassination City Roller Derby demonstrated the rules and competitive techniques women’s flat track roller derby. They call describe it as “part pillow fight, part jailhouse brawl”. Some of these women are in costume (ie Psylocke in blue) so it’s not their regular derby wear.

And most fun of all, check out these costumes!! Names of these pictured are below the thumbnails of each set in no particular order. Click on these thumbnails to blow sh!t up!

BSG: Tony as BSG Captain (member of 501st Star Garrison)

Dr. Horrible: Carla as Gender-Swap Dr. Horrible from another dimension (member of Baad JooJoo)

Star Trek: Andy Valetutto as Lt. Commander Data of Star Trek (with a gaming vendor, GMSarli Games at

Harry Potter: Antonio Sanchez, Rebecca McCarty, George Ruiz as Professor Snape, Slytherin student, and Gryffindor student respectively. (members of Harry Potter Meetup Group)

Ghostbusters: Cid, Brooks, Dave, and Chris as Ghostbusters (Chris made all the packs himself!)

Firefly/ Serenity: Stephen Bellard, Sam Morton, and Tony as Simon Tam, Jayne Cobb, and Captain Malcolm Reynolds (all three are members of the 501st Star Garrison)

Anime: Garrett Welborn as Vash of  Trigun (member of the 501st Star Garrison, and that’s real leather, too!)

Comics: Dixie as Psylocke (also a kick-ass Assassination City roller derby girl)

Comics: Jade Cat as Catwoman (she made every bit of her costume herself)

Video Games: Chris as Hitman (host of internet radio show)

Steampunk: Pez in her steampunk fashion

Renaissance: David Epps as 16th century Renaissance man (technology specialist lecturing on photography at Con)

SCA: Michael as Fiacha the Blue and William as a 1500s Scotsman (both of the local chapter of the Society for Creative Anacronism)

Newly crowned superhero: Jason David as Lego Man about to go into the Stargate (Winner of Best Hero Costume Award this year and VP of, a costuming and prop building community)

Check out what All-Con 2011 will have in store for you!

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!