Are You AVATARded?

At one point I had considered punching up a full-on editorial about how under-impressed I am with James Cameron’s Avatar and how totally insane some of that films fanbase is… but then I thought about how tired I am of even hearing the word Avatar and having gone through the rant in my head so many times, it lost it’s meaning – So, I didn’t want to half-ass it, you deserve better than that.

All I will say is that “Kooky” Avatar fans scare me! You might be thinking… “What ‘kooky’ fans are you talking about?”

Well, check this out –

Depressed After Avatar

If you doubt the validity of CNN’s pathetic report above, here are some quotes from that message board – followed by a link to those boards so that you can see for yourself.

After I watched Avatar at the first time, I trully felt depressed as I “wake” up in this world again. So after few days, I went to cinema and watched it again for the second time to relieve the depression and hopeless feeling. Now I listen to the soundtrack and share my views in this forum. It really helps.

Yesterday I watched Avatar 6th time and it is almoust the same like 1st time. I agree with everybody here. It fills you with such energy and emotions you canot put all that in words. If we could share our emotions directly I think we will find the same base message with all of us. Neytiri: You are so damn right with your post. That is it. Live your life in a possitive way, with joy, true love,… All you can find in Avatar shows you that you already have all this in you in your heart. Find it and keep it in your heart forever. God damn I am crying again now.

Wow, I didn’t realize that other people actually felt this way. I felt so immersed in the movie that when it ended, it was like waking up from the perfect dream. It was somewhat depressing to return to reality, away from a world full of wondrous things. To me, that is why Avatar is my favorite film of all-time now. It made me feel what no film has made me feel before. I have seen the movie four times now and I still want to see it more. I spend the time between viewing listening to the soundtrack, on the IMDb boards, and now here learning as much I can. I am also learning the Na’vi language, as well. All I can say is thank God I can come here now rather then the IMDb board. That board is just too much for me.

Avatar Forums

Now on to the fun!

I’ve been collecting the best Avatar related internet creations and decided to compile them into this one handy article. Let’s start with this… if you haven’t seen Avatar, here it is in five panels.

Ok, now on to some purely Avatarded fun… enjoy the videos below!


Thelma & Louise II: Avatars of Pandora

Pocahontas / Avatar Trailer Crossover

Pocahontas / Avatar Script

Avatar Makeup Tutorial

Taking One For The Team: Avatar Make Up Tutorial


If you simply haven’t had enough Avatar hilarity… for the love of all things Pandora, please head over and read Garrett Hargrove’s article on National Lampoon. Trust me, you won’t be sorry (unless you have no sense of humor) Check it out HERE

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®