Spider-Man 4 Is NOT On Indefinite Hold


Just a few days ago, we told you that IESB had learned that once again the studio was getting in Sam Raimi’s way when it came to the fourth installment in the Spider-Man franchise. Stating that the studio had put the film on indefinite hold while Raimi and the suits agree which villains will actually appear in the film.

Now comes word from SHH and their studio source telling then that this is not true. They are simply on hiatus for the holidays and production will resume in the new year. This is a very common practice on films, and not really surprising.

The fourth installment is still scheduled for a release in conventional and IMAX theaters on May 5, 2011.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®