3D Storyboard Art For The Gate


In keeping with the original, THE GATE 3D will be a PG-13 children’s fantasy that will provide the emotional rollercoaster ride of a horror film, without the blood and guts, and without resorting to the tool shed. No sledgehammers or chainsaws will be used in this movie!

Based on Michael Nankin’s original script, THE GATE 3D is written by Kerric Macdonald. While remaining faithful to the original story and characters that proved so successful in the US and worldwide, and updated both script and visual effects. The creatures were designed by three-time Academy Award winning FX guru Randall William Cook (The LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY, KING KONG), and new creature design will be done by HR Giger (ALIEN, SPECIES)

When best friends Miles and Terry discover a mysterious crystalline rock in Miles’s back yard, they quickly dig up the lawn in search of more. Instead, they unearth the Gate—the opening to an underground chamber containing terrifying evil. The teenagers soon realize the horror they have unleashed, as one dire event follows another. With supernatural fiends invading suburbia, it’s up to the kids to find the secret that will lock the Gate forever…if it’s not too late.

H2O Motion Pictures has posted a few really neat concept art photos for the upcoming remake of The Gate. They show some of the shots that will include the 3D effect including the demons and props popping out of the screen. Groove on the art below.






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Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff