
Zack Whedon To Write New TERMINATOR Series For Dark Horse


Zack Whedon says his recent work on a the “Dr. Horrible” comic book has inspired him to write more for the medium, and his next step will be bringing new “Terminator” stories to comic books from Dark Horse.

Whedon revealed in a column for Techland.com

“I am currently working on a six issue ‘Terminator’ series for Dark Horse,” . “I just turned in the first script and I’m very excited about it.”

The younger brother of “Dr. Horrible” creator and “Astonishing X-Men” writer, Joss Whedon – spoke enthusiastically about finding more things to do in comics during his op-ed piece for Time, Inc.’s new gadgetry and geek culture site. He also professed an affinity for the world begot by James Cameron for film in 1984.

Zack said:

“I love ‘Terminator’, I think that movie is so good. Holy Toledo is it good. Now I get to play in that universe and make up ‘Terminator’ stories of my own that people will get to read. I am not a big-time, famous dude and yet now I am choreographing action sequences set in a post-apocalyptic future overrun by evil cybernetic organisms hell bent on destroying the human race.”

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®