
Zachary Quinto Is Stepping Away From All Things STAR TREK For Two Years

After starring in J.J. Abrams reboot of Star Trek in the iconic role of Mr. Spock and supplying his voice over talents for the Star Trek: Online MMORPG for Atari and Cryptic Games – Zachary Quinto has said that he’s going to be stepping away from all things in the Trek universe for awhile.

Quinto said in a recent interview,

“I’m stepping away from Star Trek for at least two years, no movies, no conventions, no anything for a while.”

His planned absence from the Trek universe was a major motivation for doing voice work for the new game.

Quinto said,

“I did this game to make an investment in the fan base”

In Star Trek: Online, Quinto doesn’t play the Vulcan he’s known for, he instead voices a holographic doctor (Emergency Medical Hologram Mark VI). New players of Star Trek: Online will also hear his voice as they progress through the game’s opening tutorial.

Quinto has even tried the tutorial himself.

“I did exactly what I told myself to do and I survived, I passed the mission with flying colors.”

Quinto will be working on some non-sci-fi projects and hopes that his fans will be interested in them.

“I’m stepping away from that genre and exploring a lot of other territory, I want to invite [my fans] along with me on my journey, which is going to take them out of their comfort zone and into other areas and other styles of storytelling”

Quinto’s production company that he founded with some of his friends called ‘Before the Door’ are looking to develop television shows, websites, and several comic books for publisher Archaia. Quinto said that some of the properties he’s helping produce as graphic novels “could be really interesting as games”.

It’s not clear what effect (if any), Quinto’s TREK absence will have on the slated June 29th, 2012 release date for the Star Trek sequel.

[Source] Wired

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®