
Writer Kurtis Wiebe Guests on Tonight’s WHERE MONSTERS DWELL


This week on our favorite LIVE comics radio program, the men of Where Monsters Dwell welcome writer Kurtis Wiebe to the Monster Cave. Kurtis is the writer of such books as Green Wake, The Intrepids and Peter Panzerfaust. He joins Monster Mike, Remington J. Osborne, and producer Chuck “Chewie” Barry to chat about all of this and much more.

UPDATE: Download episode 251 with Kurtis Wiebe!

WMD 251 Kurtis Wiebe coverIf you have a question for Kurtis Wiebe, you may post it on the Where Monsters Dwell Facebook wall or give them a call at 506-452-6056. Click here to listen live tonight at 8:30/7:30c.

Don’t miss out; this radio show has become kind of an obsession for the SciFiMafia.com staff. It is that good. These men know their comics – I always learn something every week – and their TV and movies, and are endlessly entertaining.

In addition to Wiebe, you can be fairly well assured that the first half of the show will be dedicated, at least in part, to a lively Man of Steel discussion. Speaking of which ~


WMD FB comics cover with SFMLook at the cool cover from last week’s episode! I cannot begin to tell you how much fun it was to be a guest on Where Monsters Dwell. We talked Game of Thrones, Iron Man 3, Star Trek Into Darkness, the upcoming Star Wars movies, and so much more. And I feel especially honored to have been the guest on their 250th. Congratulations again on reaching that landmark, gentlemen.

If you didn’t get a chance to listen to last week’s show live, you can download it here, or subscribe to the podcast here.

The Where Monsters Dwell live radio broadcast airs Wednesday nights at 8:30/7:30c at WhereMonstersDwell.ca.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com