
Worthington Talks Green Lantern and Clash of the Titans

Ashley over at MovieHole got a chance to talk to soon-to-be-star Sam Worthington over the weekend at a junket for his upcoming film Terminator Salvation, in which he stars opposite Christian Bale. In addition to fielding questions about the film he is out there to promote, Worthington was also pelted with questions about upcoming projects, including whether or not he’s still got his finger on the pulse of the title role in Green Lantern.


On Lantern, Worthington said that he’s still waiting on a script, but made no comments that would disqualify his candidacy:

‘’I’ve been talking to (director) Martin Campbell about it”, Worthington says. ‘’It’s one of those things where they’re still doing the script. I said, “Give me a script. Let me have a look at it.” I like Martin a lot. I met him on the Bond stuff, and I like his work, but the second step is, “Is it a movie that I’d go and see?”

As you may note, Worthington appears to be on a short list of candidates for the lead role in Lantern, right up there with the recently rumored Bradley Cooper and with the press junket for Cooper’s latest film The Hangover looming next weekend and press continuing for Terminator, I have a feeling that we may get spun around a few more times on this situation before any definite casting announcement is made.

Worthington, the star of James Cameron’s upcoming sci-fi opus Avatar, also talked about a project that he’s already begun filming, Louis Leterrier’s Clash of the Titans remake. Speaking briefly, he expanded on some of the film’s size as well as his own feelings about wearing a toga:

“We’ve been filming it for two weeks now and I’m more bruised and battered than I was on Terminator. We’ve taken on Medusa, we’ve taken on the witches, and then we just kill everything else. It’s a bit more brutal. There’s no togas, or there’s very little togas. I said, “I’m not wearing a toga. Bugger that!” You can’t look manly in a toga, I’m sorry. I couldn’t do it. Louis is a very good action director, so it’s going to be exciting and big, and my job is to bring the heart.”

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff