
Worthington Is Signed On For Two AVATAR Sequels


In 2007, James Cameron chose Worthington for a leading role in his science fiction thriller Avatar. This was a huge project for Worthington, an ambitious effects-laden film that marked Cameron’s first film in over a decade and required the actor to film on locations in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. It was on Cameron’s recommendation that he was cast in Terminator Salvation, the fourth installment in the popular science fiction Terminator film series.

Avatar is due to be released in just four days but, according to Worthington – James Cameron has more than one film in mind.

In a recent interview, Sam Worthington said:

“You work 18-hour days. I was on it for 14 months. Jim’s still editing. We’ll still be filming it up to the day it’s released — probably after the movie comes out, knowing Jim! That commitment is what makes him the man he is. It’s life or death. It’s war. That’s how he approaches movies… We’re signed for a trilogy. But I think I’ll be 94 by the time it finishes, to be honest. I know Jim’s got some ideas in his big head.”

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®