
‘Wolverine’ Sequel Might Not Suck – Gavin Hood Not Attached To Direct (yet)


X-Men Origins: Wolverine director Gavin Hood has revealed that filming a sequel to the movie will not happen soon.

Star Hugh Jackman recently admitted that shooting on the follow-up would start in Japan and that the script is “in the first steps of developing that story”.

However, the filmmaker said that the proposed update will begin filming “next year” at the nearest.

He told Sci-Fi Wire:

“I’m hoping to be shooting something next year, and I don’t think that Wolverine will be ready for next year.”

He added: “I haven’t been approached one way or another. The studio is obviously very cautious. They want to see how Wolverine does on DVD.

“Let them develop the script, let’s see what the script looks like, let’s see how the studio feels about the script, how Hugh feels about it, and then we’ll take it from there.”

Wolverine executive producer Lauren Schuler Donner previously said that the franchise will be based upon the writing of scribe Chris Claremont.


I’m not even going to get started on how I felt about ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’, I shared all of that in my review. I will however say that if they get anyone but Gavin Hood to Direct, they really follow Claremont’s writing,  and replace their FX company… the sequel has a chance of not totally sucking.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®