
Will Ridley Scott’s Prometheus Feature an Animatronic Space Jockey?

Last month, 20th Century Fox announced that director Ridley Scott‘s Untitled Alien Prequel had evolved into its own entity, an original sci-fi thriller titled Prometheus. Though the film evolved into something new, Scott and writer Damon Lindelof have stated that the film will contain strands of Alien’s DNA.

Just weeks after that announcement, SkyMovies reported that the Space Jockey, the extraterrestrial pilot whose remains were discovered by crew members from the Nostromo in the original Alien film (pictured above), had been constructed at Pinewood Studios in the UK.

Now, a SkyMovies insider has more information on the characters and special effects that will be seen in Prometheus that have definite ties to Scott’s Alien world.

“I’ve had further confirmation that the Space Jockey creature is definitely in Prometheus and has been built as an eight foot animatronic. I’ve also had it confirmed that HR Giger is working on the project but only in an advisory capacity. By the way, people are going to be in for a shock when they sit down to watch Prometheus and there’s an enormous semi-human head piloting a spaceship.”

None of these rumors have been confirmed in any official capacity but, assuming they’re true, what do you think?

Prometheus starring Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender and Charlize Theron is slated to hit theaters on June 8, 2012.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®