
Who Will Watch WATCHMEN 2?

It has been 20 years since the original graphic novel, WATCHMEN by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons was published. Now it is being reported that DC Comics has plans to create several sequels, or prequels to the legendary Watchmen comics. Despite DC’s public falling out with Alan Moore, head honcho Paul Levitz (President of DC Comics from 2002–2009) was something of an in-house protector of Watchmen and was adamant that it was (at least in print form) off limits.

Now, with Levitz stepping down, and no one to protect the integrity of Moore and Gibbon’ work – it’s apparently now open season on Rorschach and his cohorts. Presumably, DC’s senior vice president Dan Didio has made an expanded Watchmen universe his very own pet project, and is looking at a new series of comic prequels, sequels and spin-offs, and, possibly more films.

Rich at Bleeding Cool says,

I understand that both Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons have to be offered first refusal before any of these titles could be published. But if they don’t want to work on them themselves (and Alan Moore is never going to agree), DiDio has been sounding out people who might be willing to take on the task.

While some creators are reticent, the argument goes if there are a number of Watchmen spinoff projects, any blame or shame can be spread on many shoulders. The sales are expected to be massive, whatever the hardcore fanboy reaction and such expected sales benefits will be shared amongst the creative teams.

Rich also reminds us that,

in those initial movie contracts with Fox, there was a clause that included sequels to a Watchmen movie.


That sound you hear off in the distance??? That’s Alan Moore’s head exploding.

[Source] Bleeding Cool

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®