
WHERE MONSTERS DWELL Welcomes Cartoonist Brenda Hickey to the Live Broadcast


This week on the friendliest LIVE comics radio show, Where Monsters Dwell welcomes Brenda Hickey to the Monster Cave. Brenda is a native of Prince Edward Island and is the cartoonist responsible for the web comic In The Air about a shy teenager who discovers that she possesses the elemental power to control air. She has also recently done work for IDW‘s My Little Pony license in the form of the Applejack issue of the MLP Micro Series.

WMD 260 Brenda HickeyShe joins Monster Mike and Remington J. Osborne to chat about all this and more, so if you have a question for Brenda Hickey, you can post it on the WMD Facebook wall or give them a call during the show (in Canada) at 506-452-6056.

If you do miss it – like I have to every week til the semester’s over, I’m sorry to say – the guys are nice enough to post their shows as podcasts, so you’ll be able to listen to the show when it posts later this week, either from the Where Monsters Dwell website, or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here. Thanks guys!

We’ll also pop a link onto this post as an update, so you can check back here later as well.

Where Monsters Dwell broadcasts live at 8:30/7:30c tonight, right here.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com