
WHERE MONSTERS DWELL to Host Comics Panel at Hal-Con, Tom Fowler on Tonight’s Radio Show


Hey Canadian and northeast US mafiosi, did you know that our good friends at Where Monsters Dwell are running the Comics Panels this weekend at Hal-Con 2013? You’re all gonna be there, right? And make sure to stop by their table where they will have swag available. It’s going to be so great and I’m jealous of everyone attending. Congrats, guys, and congrats to all the attendees.

If you need more info on Hal-Con, make sure to check out WhereMonstersDwell.ca for the link. If you need more info about comics and pop culture goodness and who doesn’t, make sure to check out the new edition of the Where Monsters Dwell live radio show at 8:30/7:30c (link is below). Their recent Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. discussion may have hit on the answer to the mystery of Coulson, as we posted yesterday.

Update: Listen to episode 269 now!

WMD 269 Tom FowlerThis week hosts Remington J. Osborne and Monster Mike welcome Tom Fowler back to the Monster Cave. You’ve seen Tom’s work on True Patriot (soon to have a second volume released) as well as Quantum & Woody from Valiant. He joins Where Monsters Dwell to chat about all this as well as his hopes and dreams for Hal-Con (where he will be a guest). If you have a question for Tom Fowler, feel free to post it on the WMD Facebook wall or give them a call during the show (in Canada) at 506-452-6056.

If you do have to miss it, or part of it like I have to nearly every Wednesday through the end of this year (shaking fist of rage at beloved but incompetent iPhone that can’t pick up the feed while I’m driving) the guys are cool enough to post their shows as podcasts – the only podcast I listen to without fail, by the way – so you’ll be able to listen to episode 269 when it posts later this week, either from the Where Monsters Dwell website, or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here. Thanks guys!

We’ll also pop a link onto this post as an update, so you can check back here later as well.

Where Monsters Dwell broadcasts live at 8:30/7:30c tonight for at least an hour, right here.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com