
Welcome Back ARROW – and Huntress! and Special Guest Steve Aoki!

Arrow Oliver wide

All right, that’s enough slacking off, you people on Arrow. Back to work with you! Yes, Arrow is returning tonight, and I can hardly wait. This “absence makes the heart grow fonder” stuff is rubbish. Happily we not only get Arrow but we get the return of the elegant and skilled Huntress (Jessica De Gouw) whom friends and family call “Helena”. I’d go for “Huntress” too.

We have a TV spot and some behind the scenes featurettes for tonight’s new episode “The Huntress Returns,” along with another installment of the Stunts series for your Arrow-loving enjoyment:

TV Spot: Arrow – Arrow : The Huntress Returns Preview

Featurette: Arrow – Behind the Scenes: The Huntress Returns featuring DJ Steve Aoki

Featurette: Arrow – Cast at Paley Fest 2013 on The Huntress Returns

Featurette: Arrow – Stunts: Dark Archer Showdown

I seriously love the going-through-the-walls sounds that Simon Burnett makes.

Arrow, starring Stephen AmellColin DonnellKatie CassidyDavid RamseyWilla HollandSusanna ThompsonPaul Blackthorne, and John Barrowman, airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com