
Web Series Wednesday: VAMPIRE MOB

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Welcome back to the series of posts here at SciFi Mafia that we’re calling Web Series Wednesday where we devote a space to the wonderment of the web series. Every Wednesday we’ll cover an awesome web series and give you all the info to get into it.

If you’ve got a favorite web series you’d like us to cover, head on over to the Contact Us page and shoot us your request. To catch up on past Web Series Wednesday posts click here.

This week we’re covering Vampire Mob.

vampire mob

Sometimes something I cover is just so darn good I’m at a loss for words. That’s how I feel about the Vampire Mob web series. I won’t go out of my way to seek out a mob series or movie, but whenever I watch one I always enjoy it, and this series has everything that you love about mob life with the added twist of vampires. And they so naturally pair together that it’s hard to believe it hasn’t been a thing sooner.

The writing is the high point of this series with a quip or memorable quote in constant flow, and the comedic timing of the cast is perfection. Filming in the style of a documentary really plays to the strength of the low budget without it feeling cheap or like it’s done by amateurs. It’s really just a great series that you really must check out. Mob-style F-bombs abound so put the kids to bed first. Here’s the trailer.

Trailer: Vampire Mob Web Series

You can see all of season one and two on their website.

I give Vampire Mob Five out of Five Stars.



Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com