
Web Series Wednesday: THE INVADERS

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Welcome back to the series of posts here at SciFi Mafia that we’re calling Web Series Wednesday where we devote a space to the wonderment of the web series. Every Wednesday we’ll cover an awesome web series and give you all the info to get into it.

If you’ve got a favorite web series you’d like us to cover, head on over to the Contact Us page and shoot us your request. To catch up on past Web Series Wednesday posts click here.

This week we’re covering The Invaders.

the invaders

Brought to you by writer and director, Mark Cabaroy, and starring the adorable Catori Crawford as Angie, the web series The Invaders promises to deliver a great alien invasion story as told through the vlog of a eight year old girl. Here’s the synopsis.

Eight year old Angie Martinez is recording another episode of her You Tube show “The Angie Show” when she witnesses the beginning of an alien invasion of an unsuspecting planet Earth. For a while things are looking bad for the world but when Angie gets involved things start looking worse for the Invaders.

The Invaders web-series “Angie’s Logs” is a live action comedy sci fi web-series in the vein of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy which chronicles the adventures of eight year old Angie Martinez and her teenage babysitter Beth Adleman as they attempt repel an alien invasion of Earth from all powerful, unseen, other worldly beings. With the help of her teddy bear, Mr. Snuggles, a cardboard space ship Angie has made out of a discarded refrigerator appliance box and her home made laser gun (a phased plasma pulse weapon in the 40 watt range) she will wage war against impossible odds with the fate of the world in the balance. Put on your Captain Blasto space helmet, and fasten you seat belts it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Here are the teaser and first episode for The Invaders web series.

Teaser: The Invaders

Web Series: The Invaders – Angie’s Log #1 – The Arrival

The best episode of the three available at the time of this post is definitely Angie’s Log # 3 Believe It Orb Not. You’ll have to head over to The Invaders YouTube Channel to get caught up with the rest of the episodes. And judging from the synopsis, we have a lot more goodness headed our way.

I honestly would have given the series a four star rating based on episodes 1 and 2, but the third one was so well done that it gets bumped up to five. I cannot wait for the next episode!

I give The Invaders Five out of Five Stars.



Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com