
Web Series Wednesday: RELEASE THE HOUNDS

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Welcome back to the series of posts here at SciFi Mafia that we’re calling Web Series Wednesday where we devote a space to the wonderment of the web series. Every Wednesday we’ll cover an awesome web series and give you all the info to get into it.

If you’ve got a favorite web series you’d like us to cover, head on over to the Contact Us page and shoot us your request. To catch up on past Web Series Wednesday posts click here.

This week we’re covering Release the Hounds.

release the hounds

This three episode (as of this post) web series, Release the Hounds, is a fun little game show! It goes along with three contestants who are dropped onto an estate in the woods who are pitted against some pretty spooky scenarios. Once they’ve conquered their fears and adrenaline they choose who among them will take a found key to unlock a chest of money only to be chased by a pack of dogs. I. Would. Lose.

Here’s the press release followed by the first episode.

Release the Hounds

CDS Premieres New Horror Game Show on MetaCafe and BlackBoxTV Channel on YouTube

Beverly Hills, CA — (October 31, 2013).  This Halloween, horror is a reality as multi-channel network Collective Digital Studio (CDS) premieres a brand new horror game show, Release The Hounds, on CDS’s MetaCafe and BlackBoxTV on YouTube in a groundbreaking approach to bring a hit UK show to audiences worldwide.

Release The Hounds, produced by UK-based Gogglebox Entertainment, features three unsuspecting contestants who enter a forest at dusk in a quest to unlock chests full of prize money. Little do they know that in order to win big, they have to face the scariest challenges ever endured on TV.

To locate the keys to the chests, contestants must enter a field of crucified scarecrows, descend beneath the floorboards in a deserted cabin, and read bedtime stories in the nursery from hell. But the ultimate challenge for them all is to out-run a pack of hounds, trained to guard the cash. If they manage to escape, the money belongs to them.  And if they don’t, the horror has just begun. . .

Filmed in a remote forest from dusk through the dead of night, Release The Hounds takes the game show concept to a frightening new level.  With Show Host Reggie Yates as their only connection to the outside world, the contestants must progress through each horrific challenge by keeping their wits and working together.

Web Series: Release the Hounds – Episode One

At three short episodes so far this is a fun little game show definitely worth checking out.

I give Release the Hounds Five out of Five Stars.



Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com