Welcome back to the series of posts here at SciFi Mafia that we’re calling Web Series Wednesday where we devote a space to the wonderment of the web series. Every Wednesday we’ll cover an awesome web series and give you all the info to get into it.
If you’ve got a favorite web series you’d like us to cover, head on over to the Contact Us page and shoot us your request. To catch up on past Web Series Wednesday posts click here.
This week we’re covering Chronicles of Death.
This weeks selection came via email suggestion from John Kovacs over at 3N Films (Thanks John!). The web series Chronicles of the Dead gives us a glimpse of what is going on at the brink of the zombie apocalypse as told through the phone cameras that are in the hands of almost everyone around these days. We live in a unique time where everything is hyper-documented. It makes a great series start to tell this story through the lens of a camera phone. The first episode (below), Apocalypse, is just one single person’s experience while Apocalypse 2 (click here) is the story told around a group of friends at a party.
The best and creepiest part of this show is the way they use their silence. Not every moment has to be filled with noise or dialogue and 3N Films has figured out how to use silence to their advantage.
At the time of this posting there are several episodes chronicling the start of this outbreak. They can all be watched in any order, but save the two newest, Loan Out and Virtual for the end of your viewing. Chronicles of the Dead switches from pure video of the start of the apocalypse to a more scripted show giving us the what next. Those two new episodes are our “what’s next” and they’re the reason this series gets that five star rating. So no spoilers from me. Go check it out. Start here with Apocalypse.
Web Series: Chronicles of the Dead – Apocalypse
Here a link to the playlist. Don’t forget to start at the beginning and work your way to the newest.
I give Chronicles of the Dead Five out of Five Stars.