
Web Series Wednesday: CAPER

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Welcome back to the series of posts here at SciFi Mafia that we’re calling Web Series Wednesday where we devote a space to the wonderment of the web series. Every Wednesday we’ll cover an awesome web series and give you all the info to get into it.

If you’ve got a favorite web series you’d like us to cover, head on over to the Contact Us page and shoot us your request. To catch up on past Web Series Wednesday posts click here.

This week we’re covering Caper.


So the geniuses over at Geek and Sundry have started a great super hero web series called Caper. You’ve got Penny Blue (Abby Miller) who’s got an Iron Man-like suit, Alexia (Beth Riesgraf) who’s got super strength and a bad attitude, Dagr (Hartley Sawyer) the all powerful demi god and finally Luke (Harry Shum Jr.) who’s got a very similar back story/life to Superman. These four super heroes room together and fight crime but can’t seem to make their rent. In an effort make ends meet, they decide they’re going to have to rob from the rich (Penny’s old boss) to pay the landlord.

It’s beautifully put together and all of the extreme action shots are spliced in as motion comics, so it’s pretty much perfect. As of this post there are four episodes available. Here’s the trailer.

Web Series: Caper

This is a really fun show that you must check out if you love superheroes. I give Caper Five out of Five Stars.



Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com