
We Already Knew That! Karl Urban Confirmed As JUDGE DREDD

A few weeks ago, we told you that Karl Urban (Star Trek, Red) spoke with New Zealand’s TV3 movie show, Reel Late with Kate and said that he had officially been given the role of Judge Dredd in the Pete Travis (Vantage Point) directed reboot, written by Alex Garland (28 Days Later) saying:

“Yes, it’s true, I am the Law”. He added that he was “thrilled to bits” about landing the role.

Now, producers Andrew Macdonald (Never Let Me Go) and Allon Reich (28 Weeks Later) confirmed the casting to Empire.

“There’s been a change in comic-book movies; they were treated unseriously and now they’re treated seriously. We’ve cast a guy called Karl Urban to play Dredd. We’ll be shooting in Johannesburg, it’s being directed by Pete Travis, we’re shooting with the people who did District 9 – and if we get it right, Alex has a couple of ideas for other stories as well. It’s not based on any one comic, and John Wagner is involved in every decision.”

Judge Dredd is slated to hit theaters in 2012.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®