
Warner Bros. To Bring HAWKMAN To The Big Screen?

It is being reported that DC Comics and Warner Brothers are developing a Hawkman movie that is being described as “part Indiana Jones, part Da Vinci Code and part Ghost.” According pajiba who filed the report, Will Hackner at DC Comics is overseeing the big-screen version. There is no word from the studio yet, and this is being info is being dished to them by their “super-duper secret inside source”, so we’re going to call this rumor for now.

They suspect that because of the impending appearance of Hawkman (played by Michael Shanks) on Smallville’s ‘Absolute Justice’ episodes that, DC may be using that opportunity to test interest in the character before moving ahead on development of a Hawkman film.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®