
Updated Release Dates For Your Most Anticipated Movies

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Sometimes it feels like we go through a little movie-musical-chairs. For various reasons movie release dates get shuffled from month to month and sometime even get pushed years later. Here is a list of the latest movies to shuffle their release dates.

Assassin’s Creed starring Michael Fassbender moves from June 19th to August 7th, 2015. Deadline

Fantastic Four moves from November 14th, 2014 to March 6th, 2015. Deadline

The Fox produced and Roland Emmerich-directed film, Independence Day 2 moves to July 1st, 2016, which happens to be the first movie’s 20th anniversary. Deadline

The Jon Favreau-directed live action flick The Jungle Book for Disney will be released October 9th, 2015. Hypable

Alice in Wonderland 2 directed by James Bobin (Muppets, Muppets Most Wanted) starring Johnny Depp and Mia Wasikowska, is slated to hit theaters May 27th, 2016. Hypable

Pixar’s Good Dinosaur has moved from May 30th, 2014 to November 24th, 2015.

Mad Max: Fury Road starring Tom Hardy is slated to hit theaters May 15th, 2015

And Warcraft has moved from December 18, 2015, to March 11, 2016.


As a courtesy to you, our loyal readers, we have updated our calendar with all these important dates. You can access our calendar any time from the tab at the top of the page.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com