
Two Stills From the Set of The Doctor Who Anniversary Special, AN ADVENTURE IN SPACE AND TIME


Our year long Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Celebration continues with excitement for a dramatic look at what it took to bring Doctor Who to the small screen back in the 1960’s in a special titled, An Adventure in Space and Time. Here are two of the pictures released of the show. First is a picture of the remake of the original console from the TARDIS and the second is David Bradley who plays William Hartnell, the first Doctor.

doctor who console

David Bradley Hartnell

I think David Bradley has the look for sure. The question is, does he have the voice?

A date has not been officially announced for when the special will air, but we will keep you posted on the latest for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special: An Adventure in Space and Time, starring David Bradley, Reece Shearsmith, and Claudia Grant on BBC America.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com