
Four New Clips From THE WOLVERINE Including Looks at Yukio and Viper


We showed you on Thursday the extended clip of the train fight sequence and today we have four more clips from The Wolverine. The first two are extended looks at what we’ve seen in the trailers. First is the funeral scene and the second is the atomic bomb flashback scene. Following those are clips of Yukio (Rila Fukushima) and Viper (Svetlana Khodchenkova). Check them out below!

Clip: The Wolverine – Funeral

Clip: The Wolverine – Atomic Bomb

Clip: The Wolverine – Yukio

Clip: The Wolverine – Viper

Just as awesome as I had hoped they would be! Can’t wait for more!

The Wolverine, starring Hugh JackmanTao OkamotoRila FukushimaSvetlana Khodchenkova, Will Yun LeeBrian TeeHiroyuki Sanada and Hal Yamanouchi, is slated to hit theaters on July 26th, 2013.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com